Home > Victory® Admitted Contractor Program

NEW!! CA Minimum Payroll $21,000
NEW!! $0 to $2,500 deductible choices.
10% Down *
Available in AR, AZ, CA, CO, ID, NM, NV, OK, OR, TX, UT, & WA
$450 - $750 Minimum Premium (Varies by State)
Receipts up to $1.5 million
Payroll up to $500,000
Admitted Carrier Rated A X By A.M. Best Co.
Occurrence Form - Optional Sunset & Manifestation
Remodeling & Service Work OK
$1Mill/$2Mill/$2Mill Limits

*10% of premium down payment plus all taxes and fees when using Best Choice Premium Finance.

Our Victory® Admitted Contractor Program is underwritten by an Admitted Carrier rated A X by A.M. Best Co. This program offers Prior Work Buyback for applicants previously covered by an acceptable carrier. This program also accepts B licensed remodelers, including structural remodelers, artisan contractors performing new residential work in custom homes and now offers $1,000,000/$2,000,000/$2,000,000 Limits for all risks. Please see below for more information.

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Eligible Classes
Pick A State To Filter
Class Code Class Description
91111 Air Conditioning - Air Conditioning Systems or Equipment, installation, service or repair including dealers. If they do both Heating AND Air Conditioning work, use 95647 ONLY.
91150 Appliance Installation - Commercial - No residential, apartment work ok. NO cutting, slicing equipment.
91155 Appliance Installation - Household (residential) -
91342 Carpentry - Commercial - Includes commercial tenants improvements & betterments, repair & replacement. NO exterior work on buildings exceeding 3 stories. Includes commercial tenants improvements & betterments, repair & replacement. NO exterior work on buildings exceeding 3 stories. A roofing license is not allowed, NO stand alone roofing. All roofing work must be subcontracted.
91344 Carpentry - Handyman - Residential and Commercial Service and Repair.  NO roofing, foundation repair or new construction. Maximum $1,000 per job with license - $500 without license. Colorado $1,000 maximum with or without license.
91341 Carpentry - Interior -
91340 Carpentry - Residential - Includes structural and non-structural remodeling and repair. Exterior framing as a subcontractor not allowed. NO exterior work on buildings exceeding 3 stories. Examples: Kitchen & bathroom remodeling & decking. Work also may include adding square footage such as a second story or room additions. Includes structural and non-structural remodeling and repair. Examples: Kitchen & bathroom remodeling & decking. Work also may include adding square footage such as a second story or room additions. Exterior framing work as a subcontractor not allowed. NO exterior work over 3 stories. NO stand-alone roofing or a roofing license is allowed. All roofing work must be subcontracted.
91405 Carpet-Upholstery Cleaning -
91436 Ceiling/Wall Installation - Metal - Metal, Acoustic
91551 Communication Equipment Installation -
91560 Concrete Construction - Includes pouring, placing & finishing concrete. Patios, pads, walkways, mow strips, driveways ok. NO exterior work on buildings exceeding 3 stories. NO pool construction, NO public street, road or highway work. NO residential foundation work. Incidental commercial foundations allowed (up to 15% of annual receipts).
91577 Conduit Construction - Cable/Wire - Installation of communication or electrical encasement. Service & Repair and/or Commercial Only Premium Credit NOT available for this class. Max. depth 8 feet.
91629 Debris Removal - Construction Site - No roof tear-off, soft demo or janitorial work.
91746 Door/Millwork Installation - Metal - No window work. (Service and repair of garage doors ok)
92102 Drilling - Water -
92215 Driveway/Sidewalk Paving -
92338 Drywall -
92478 Electrical - Within Buildings - No power line construction or pole work. NO burglar or fire alarm system, generator, electrical machinery or auxiliary apparatus work. NO work over 480 volts. Incidental residential landscape work is ok (up to 15% of annual receipts).
94007 Excavation - No Public street, road, highway, agricultural or building demolition other than outbuildings. Service & Repair and/or Commercial Only Premium Credit NOT available for this class. Max. depth 8 feet.
94276 Fence Erection - No child-safety or electrically charged fencing. Incidental automated gates acceptable. NO manufacture of metal fences--erection only with NO other welding exposure
94569 Floor Covering - No Tile - No dealers. Installation of carpeting, laminate and hardwood flooring. -- Ceramic tile, stone, marble or terrazzo work should be separately classified as Tile. (No Epoxy or Specialty Coatings)
95410 Grading - Snow removal ok. (Attach form CG2292.) NO Public street, road or highway work. Service & Repair and/or Commercial Only Premium Credit NOT available for this class.
95647 Heat/AC no LPG - No refrigeration (use class 98636) or cold storage work. Incidental LPG work ok (up to 5% of annual receipts).
96053 House Furnishings Installation - Includes installation of pictures, mirrors, window treatments and closet organizers. NO furniture repair or moving services. For residential or commercial appliance installation see 91155 & 91150.
96816 Janitorial - Commercial - COMMERCIAL OFFICES ONLY – NO residential exposures, model homes, retail work or sales of chemicals or cleaning supplies. Only 100% Service/Repair and/or Commercial risks permitted in this class.
97047 Landscaping Gardening - Basic landscape/lawn care service-mowing &/or installation. Over-the-counter fertilizer/weed control or sprinkler installation ok. Decks (use 91340), decorative retaining walls (use 97447), fountain, pond or cement work other than mow strips (use 91560). NO pesticides or tree trim/removal.
97447 Masonry - Includes cutting & laying of bricks, block, stone and other unit masonry or clay product and mortar work. Retaining walls over 6 feet not allowed BUT perimeter wall over 6 feet ok. NO street, road or highway walls or work. NO exterior work on buildings exceeding 3 stories, chimney or cast-in-place concrete work.
97650 Metal Erection - Decorative -
98304 Paint Exterior (3 stories & Under) - Buildings & appurtenant structures only, including walkways/fences, surface preparation and faux/texture painting. NO waterproofing, exterior work on buildings exceeding 3 stories or roof painting. NO work on tanks, street and road or bridges. (No epoxy or specialty coatings)
98305 Paint Interior - Bathtub refinishing ok - NO exterior/No waterproofing. NO epoxy or specialty coatings.
98344 Paperhanging -
98449 Plaster/Stucco -
98449 Plastering or Stucco Work - (No EIFS work)
98482 Plumbing Commercial - No fire sprinklers, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), septic tank, excavation, swimming pools, process piping, public utilities, hospitals or industrial work, or steam/boiler work. Water softener installation, okay to break concrete & repair to install pipes, lay sewer line/pipe drain and use ditch witch for underground lines (apartments allowed). Lawn sprinklers installation ok. Only 100% Service/Repair and/or Commercial risks permitted in this class.
98483 Plumbing Residential - NO New Residential work allowed. Water softener installation, okay to break concrete & repair to install pipes, lay sewer line/pipe drain and use ditch witch for underground lines. Lawn sprinklers installation ok. Only 100% Service/Repair and/or Commercial risks permitted in this class.
98502 Prefabricated Building Erection -
98636 Refrigeration Equipment Installation/Service - Installation, service and repair of commercial refrigeration systems. NO wholesale cold storage work, manufacturing or processing work. Incidental LPG work ok (up to 15% of annual receipts).
99650 Satellite Dish Installation -
98805 Septic Tank Cleaning - No RV work. Some restaurant grease trap work ok. Service & Repair and/or Commercial Only Premium Credit NOT available for this class. NO work below 8 feet.
98806 Septic Tank Installation - No RV, NO blasting. Service & Repair and/or Commercial Only Premium Credit NOT available for this class. NO work below 8 feet.
98820 Sewer Mains Construction - No blasting. Service & Repair and/or Commercial Only Premium Credit NOT available for this class. NO work below 8 feet.
98967 Siding and Gutter Installation - Installation includes soffit/fascia and decorative shutters. NO spray on siding/roofing/roof flashings or work on buildings exceeding 3 stories. Only 100% Service/Repair and/or Commercial risks permitted in this class.
99004 Sign Painting -
99746 Tile/Stone Installation -
99946 Water Mains Construction - No blasting. Service & Repair and/or Commercial Only Premium Credit NOT available for this class. NO work below 8 feet.

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Ineligible Risks
  • Risks with less than two years experience in the applicants trade.
  • Risks with operations not specifically listed on program classification & rate schedule.
  • Contractors acting in the capacity of a general contractor on new construction, as a builder, project manager or developer.
  • Risks which engage in Maritime operations. . Risks which sponsor sporting or social events.
  • Risks engaging in the renting or leasing of equipment to others.
  • Risks engaging in the selling or manufacturing of products sold under the applicant's name.
  • New residential construction of condominiums; townhouses; or "tract housing developments" in which more than 10 houses or dwelling units have been built or are in any stage of development, planning, or construction.
  • Construction management for a fee.
  • Exterior work exceeding three (3) stories in height.
  • Public street, road or highway work.
  • Power line construction, burglar or fire alarm system, electrical machinery or auxiliary apparatus work. (Residential alarm pre-wiring ok with no hook up or monitoring)
  • Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) equipment sales or work. (incidental work ok).
  • Spraying, tree trimming, tree removal or tree pruning.
  • Painting of tanks.
  • Fire sprinkler installation or service.
  • Sign erection or sign work above the first floor.
  • Swimming pool installation, service or repair.
  • Removal of any asbestos.
  • Roofing work, including, but not limited to, installation or repair of roof flashings, shingles, roof coatings or paint. (All roofing work MUST be subcontracted out)
  • Risks with OCP(subcontractor) costs greater than $200,000 or more than 50% of annual gross receipts. (NSLIC allows up to $400,000 sub costs with no 50% restriction - California and Oregon only)
  • Risks with (in the last 4 years) more than $20,000 incurred losses (including expenses) or more than 2 claims. Construction defect claims please refer to Underwriter.
  • Risks involved in water damage, fire damage, or mold damage.

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Underwriting Guidelines

General Liability Coverage

The Victory® Admitted Contractor Program provides general liability coverage for Artisan/trade contractors for both commercial and residential work. It is designed to meet the needs of small artisan contactors conducting business within the trades and construction industry. Credit available for the service, repair & replacement ONLY risks. See the eligible classes for list of construction & service contractors we can write. Contractors are also limited by their size. The maximum allowable exposures are receipts of $1,500,000. Maximum premium varies by state (AR - $7,500 / AZ - $7,500 / CA - $15,000 / CO - $15,000 / ID - $7,500 / NM - $7,500 / NV - $10,000 / OK - $15,000 / OR - $10,000 / TX - $12,500 / UT - $15,000 / WA - $15,000).

Policies may be written for one year and renewed annually. See rating for definition of payrolls.

  • 300,000/300,000/300,000 (CA, NV, OK & OR only)
  • 500,000/500,000/500,000
  • 500,000/1,000,000/1,000,000
  • 1,000,000/1,000,000/1,000,000
  • 1,000,000/2,000,000/1,000,000
  • 1,000,000/2,000,000/2,000,000
Artisan contractors who perform new construction in tract home subdivisions of up to 10 homes are acceptable! A tract development is defined as - a project or premise in which multiple architecturally identical, nearly-identical, or similar homes are built.

Contractors performing 100% service and repair work for residential and commercial projects are given special consideration in the program. Additionally, we accept small remodeling general contractors, including those who complete room additions.
  • Navigators No Loss Warranty Form in lieu of loss runs on accounts up to $7,500
  • Price Indicate Online
  • Submit Account Electronically
  • Submit accounts over $1,500,000 in receipts on Acord Applications 125 & 126
  • Allows up to $200,000 in subs costs but costs must be 50% or less of annual gross receipts. Submit accounts that exceed these limits on on Acord Applications 125 & 126
  • CG 20 10 11/85 available for commercial risks. 11/85 Additional Insured's not provided for Residential projects. $500 (fully earned)
  • CG 20 10 07/04 included for no additional charge

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Rating Information
Annual Minimum Premiums
General Liability Limit Minimum Premium
 Occurrence GL form (CG 00 01)    $450 to $1000 (varies by state)
 Occurrence form with Manifestation  Provision   $450 to $750 (varies by state)

Definition of Payroll Allocation

Owner/Officer Payroll
Includes proprietors, partners, and officers active in the business - except those that exclusively handle Clerical duties. $21,000 minimum payroll for each owner in CA / CO, NM, NV, OR & TX - $25,000 / AR - $19,200 / AZ - $20,000 / ID - $22,000 / OK - $17,300 / UT - $30,700 / WA - $17,800 minimum payroll for each owner. If all owners are clerical or sales the minimum for the state is charged for one owner only (plus any employee payroll)

Employee Payrolls
Includes payroll of employees (except excluded below), clean up workers, tradesmen, casual laborers, leased employees, and labor pool personnel.

Employee Payroll Does Not Include
Proprietors, partners, officers, sales only and clerical office employees.

Examples (California Payroll)
A ** Policy Period 1/1/03-1/1/04
2 owners - 1 sales/clerical and 1 in field is $21,000 minimum for active owner
2 employees - both working their trade in the field paid $43,000. Total payroll used in this submission - $64,000.

B ** Policy Period 1/1/03-1/1/04
1 owner - 1 sales/clerical is $21,000 minimum (must have a $21,000 charge for at least 1 owner as minimum for owners regardless of duties!)
1 employee - Employee is working their trade in the field paid $18,000. Total payroll used in this submission - $39,000.

Explanation of Subcontractors and Their Cost

If subcontractors are used then you will need the total cost of payment to those subcontractors. Also needed will be the operations performed by the subcontractors for the applicant (ie: painting, flooring, etc.).

All subcontractors must name the applicant as additional insured on the subcontractors' policies (provide the applicant with an AI and Certificate showing this) and carry limits of insurance as follows:
    If Applicants Occurrence limits are $500,000: Subcontractor's limits need to be $500,000 or higher for Occurrence AND Aggregate.        OR
    If Applicants Occurrence limits are $1,000,000: Subcontractor's limits need to be $1,000,000 or higher for Occurrence AND Aggregate.

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General Program Information

General Liability Coverage

Premises/Operations with selected limit of insurance including Products/Completed Operations, Personal Injury & Advertising Injury, Fire Damage - $50,000 and Medical Expense - $5,000 coverage is provided on an occurrence basis.


Available deductibles range from $0 to $2,500. The deductible applies to property damage and bodily injury on a per claim basis.

Risk Cancelled or Non-renewed by Other Company

Please refer any risk that has been cancelled or non-renewed to Builders & Tradesmen's Insurance Services, Inc. prior to submission. We ask that full information regarding the reason for cancellation or non-renewal and the conditions or preventive steps taken by the applicant be provided.

Audit Basis

General Liability premiums and exposures are subject to final audit. Earned premium for the exposure will be determined at the end of the policy period.

Waiver of Premium

Additional or return premium account balances of $10.00 or less will be waived.


Policies will be cancelled pro rate (without penalties) when policy is cancelled for one of the following reasons.

  • At the request of the carrier.
  • Nonpayment of premium.
  • Insured no longer has a financial or insurable interest in the property or business operation.

When a policy is cancelled for any reason other than outlined above, a short rate penalty of 10% of the pro rate unearned premium will apply.

Payment Options

BTIS financed - BTIS can arrange financing through  Best Choice Premium Finance.
Full annual premium - The producer may withhold commission and remit net payment in full. Producer financed - The producer may arrange financing with their vendor of choice.

Certificates of Insurance

If an additional insured endorsement OR special wording is required on the certificate, the request must be referred to Builders Trademen's Insurance Services, Inc. for approval. All additional insured endorsements must be requested on our website.

Additional Insured Guidelines

The ANF-ES 043 is available for all risks at no premium charge and will be attached to all policies.

Brokers have the authority to issue Certificates of Insurance and to attach the Blanket Additional Insured Endorsement ANF ES 043 to the Certificate. If any special wording is required on the ANF ES 043, then the request must be submitted to BTIS for issuance.

The ANF-ES 160 01/11 Scheduled Additional Insured Endorsement (CG2010 11/85 equivalent) EXCLUDES RESIDENTIAL OPERATIONS, A ONE TIME FULLY EARNED PREMIUM OF $500 WILL APPLY.

The CG2037 is available for risks that have specific job of a service and repair nature only:

  • Home Depot or Lowes – no A/P.
  • Contract directly for the homeowner – no A/P
  • Commercial work – no A/P
  • Work for a residential GC, contract value under $15K – no A/P
  • Work for a residential GC, contract value over $15K – $250 each - note that
    NM uses form CG3212(12-04) and OR uses form CG3263(10-05)

Other Additional Insured Forms Available

 Lessor of Leased Equipment, CG2028 (11-85)
 Managers or Lessor of Premise, CG 2011(11/85)
 State or Political Subdivisions -Permits, CG2012 (07/98)
 Engineers, Architects or Surveyors not engaged by the Named Insured. CG2007 (01/96)
 Mortgagee, Assignees or Receiver - CG2018 (11/85)

Reinstatement with a Lapse in Coverage Guidelines

To avoid a lapse in coverage, all outstanding issues must be addressed and/or payments must be received by Builders & Tradesmen's Insurance Services, Inc. prior to the cancellation date.


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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find out more?
Use our live support for an immediate response or call your CSR or Underwriter at 916.772.9200.

How do I get a quote?
An online submission is by far the quickest way to get a quote. This program also offers an instant online price indicator.

Can BTIS finance this for me?
YES. You can select  Best Choice Premium Financing with this program online by clicking on the binding documents button and then clicking on the view/print agreement button.

What should I do if I am having system problems?
Use our live support for an immediate response or call your CSR or Underwriter at 916.772.9200.

Can I write B licensed contractors in the Victory® Admitted Contractor Program?
B licensed contractors that are acting as specific trade contractors or remodelers are eligible. B licensed contractors acting as a general on any New Residential or New Commercial jobs are not eligible (Please submit the others by Acord application by fax to 916.772.9292).

What classes that you write are not eligible to do NEW Residential work?
We cannot write risks performing NEW residential work performing any of the following   operations: Framing, Concrete Foundations, Plaster, Stucco, Drywall, Plumbing, Siding, or Gutters.

How does the Victory® Admitted Contractor Program define NEW Residential work?
New residential work is defined as "work being performed on newly constructed properties that are not yet certified for occupancy". NOT included as new work is "remodeling, replacing or adding work". (ex: adding new wiring, adding new cabinetry, new carpet to an existing, occupied structure).

How do I bind a policy?
Fax requests to bind, including the desired effective date, along with the bind documents requested online (signed by both the agent and the insured) to 916.772.9292. Be sure to indicate which of the 3 payment options you have chosen. To get binding documents, go online and select your submission then click on the blue binding documents button. Binds can also be emailed to our bind team at bindrequest@btisinc.com.

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Edition 7-15-2010

This information is provided as a guideline only and is subject to change with or without notice.
Stocking Stuffer

© Copyright 2013 Builders & Tradesmen's Insurance Services, Inc. • 6610 Sierra College Boulevard • Rocklin, California 95677
Phone: 916.772.9200 - Fax: 916.772.9292 • CDI #0D10271 • All non-admitted business is placed through LAE Insurance Services, Inc. CDI # 0E44215